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First of all hello 👋🏻, My name is Saurav Maheshkar and I'm a budding deep learning researcher originally from India. Currently I work as a Technical Author at ​Weights and Biases, where I usually publish content on Theoretical Foundations of Deep Learning.

​I'm an incoming freshman at the University of Edinburgh (Bsc Hons Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science)

In this Weekly Newsletter named Epoch, I post a curated collection of papers, news, resources and other interesting things. So I this sounds interesting please subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update.

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Curation of the latest news and resources on Machine Learning with its applications in Astronomy 🌌 and Bioinformatics 🧬 with a Mathematical touch to it.


Technical Author at Weights and Biases. Budding Data Scientist, currently a High School Senior. Learning about Transformers and Representation Learning.